Contact with Local Couriers
Here is a list of our express and their contact number in your country.

UPS contact phone number in main destination countries:
UPS Official Website:
Below is the list for your reference of UPS contact numbers for listed countries. Sometimes if there is a delivery problem, LindaDress customer services staff will personally contact UPS China to assist you, meanwhile you also can contact your local UPS yourself, and maybe the problem will be solved quicker.
Country | Contact Number |
US | 1-800-782-7892 |
UK | 08457-877-877 |
Canada | 1-800-742-5877 |
Japan | 0120-27-1040/ (81) 3-5484-5834 |
Spain | 902-88-88-20 |
Australia | (61) 131 UPS (877) |
New Zealand | 64-9-279-5230/ 0800-742-5877 |
Brazil | 11-5694-6600/ 0800-770-9035 |
France | 0821-233-877 |
Italy | 800-877-877 |
Germany | 0800-8826630 |
Sweden | 020-788 799 |
Finland | 0800-1-877-877 |
Denmark | 80 30 22 22 |
Norway | 800-33-470 |
Holland | 0800-099-1300 |
Russia | 495-961-2211 |
Mexico | 01-800-90-29200/ (5255) 5228-7900 |
Turkey | 212 413 22 22 |
Israel | 1-800-834-834/ +972-3-577-0100 |
India | 800 22 7171 |

DHL contact phone number in main destination countries:
DHL Official Website:
Country | Contact Number |
USA | - Customer Service: 1-800-225-5345 - Attempted Delivery Inquires: 1-888-273-8876 |
UK | +44 1332816960 / +44 (0) 844 248 0844 |
France | +33 472613098 |
Australia | +61 738457850 |
Germany | +49 610376560 / +49 (0) 180 5 345300 |
Canada | +1 9056731345 / 1-800-225-5345 |
Denmark | +45 70345345 |
Greece | +30-210-989 0000 |
Finland | 030 45 345 |
Algeria | +213 21 23 01 01, +213 21 23 04 04, +213 21 68 16 16 |
Belgium | +32 2 715 50 50 |
Chile | 800-800-345 / cell phone 02-666 2050 |
Indonesia | 0 800 1333 333 |
Japan | 0120-39-2580 |
Mexico | +52 (55) 5345 7000 |
Nigeria | 01-2700908 |
Brazil | Sao Paulo: + 55 11 3618 3490 Other locations: 0800 771 7471 |

TNT contact phone number in main destination countries:
TNT Official Website:
Below is the list of TNT contact phone number for your reference, Sometimes if there is any delivery problem, customer service staff will personally contact TNT China to assist you, meanwhile you also can contact your local TNT yourself, and maybe the problem will be solved quicker.
Country | Contact Number |
US | 800 558 5555 |
UK | 02072310455 |
Canada | 905 672 9753 |
Australia | 2 93177 717 |
New Zealand | 92550500 |
Japan | 3 55201 900 |
France | 148144814 |
Italy | 025808881 |
Germany | 4073469 0 |
Sweden | 8 625 5 8 00 |
Finland | 20 420 420 |
Denmark | 7938051 1 |
Norway | 81000810 |
Holland | 204744000 |
Spain | 9166059 00 |
Brazil | 5564 8600 |
Russia | 4957972 700 |
Turkey | 212 410 1500 |
Israel | 8 91402 22 |
Switzerland | 62 837 00 00 |
India | 222 823 4060 |
Mexico | 555 242 9159 |